Archaeology of Federal State Schleswig-Holstein and Detector Archaeology
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Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen
Schloss Gottorf
Schlossinsel 1
D-24837 Schleswig
Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein
Brockdorff-Rantzau-Straße 70
D-24837 Schleswig
Publication date: 2017-12-31
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2017;LXVIII(68):13-18
Volunteer involvement in archaeology has a long and fruitful tradition
in Schleswig-Holstein. In the past, this mainly consisted of the
collection and recording of stone or pottery artefacts. Recently, however,
it became necessary to further develop the integration of volunteers
as the easy availability of metal detectors has created a whole new
group of interested amateurs who then often tried in vain to contact
the appropriate authorities.
Since 2004, the so-called ‘Schleswig Model’ has been implemented as
a new approach to the problem in Schleswig-Holstein. This aims at
integrating volunteer metal detectorists in heritage protection activities
and academic research. The volunteers are therefore given theoretical
and practical training and are, of course, informed about the
relevant legal framework. After completing the curriculum, they are
certified by the State Archaeological Office, which is the responsible
state authority. One of the basic legal provisos for the success of this
model is the fact that the illegal use of metal detectors is punishable
by law, and that so-called ‘Treasure Trove’ means that all archaeological
finds of historical significance are declared the property of the
Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein.
Subsequent experience has shown that the model has produced
mainly positive results. Regular contact and communication with the
volunteer detectorists have meanwhile become an indispensable tool
in regional archaeological research. Moreover, ‘enemy’ stereotypes on
both sides have dissipated and been replaced by mutual respect and
recognition. However, the subsequent work required, especially for the
processing of the large quantity of finds (registration, restoration), had
been greatly underestimated. Important new prospects have opened
up with the development of scientific projects that include systematic
surveying with metal detectors, while the publication of the first
groups of finds has, in some cases, fundamentally changed our view
of the Metal Ages in Schleswig-Holstein.
All in all, the author is fully convinced that, given the overwhelmingly
positive results of the ‘Schleswig Model’, which is based on cooperation,
the solution of the problem of the recognition of metaldetector
archaeology as a heritage-conservation and scientific tool at
the interface between amateurs and professionals must lie in clear legal
and ethical structures – and this before it is too late and the system
has got completely out of control.
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