Some Remarks on the Connections of the Oksywie Culture with the Jastorf and the Nordic Cultures in the Light of Materials from the Cemetery at Podwiesk site 2, on the Lower Vistula
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Muzeum Okręgowe w Toruniu, ul. Łazienna 16, 88-100 Toruń
Publication date: 2001-06-30
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 2001;LIV(54):37-48
The cemetery of the Oksywie Culture in Podwiesk, site 2, produced 480 graves; among them were 2 inhumation graves, 477 cremation graves and a single animal grave. Almost all of them (except the inhumation and 2 cremation graves) can be dated to the late Pre-Roman Period. Most interesting are graves furnished with iron brooches with a bronze sheet on the bow, iron “staged” brooches (Stufenfibeln) and bipartite iron belt clasps compound of two or three parts, all dated to the phase A1 and the earlier stage of the phase A2. These finds marked the first stage of the Jastorf Culture influences in the OksywieCculture. The iron brooches with bronze sheets occurred, always in pairs, in 6 graves (Fig. 1, 6, 7). Such brooches were not known from the Oksywie Culture until the horizon of Stufenfibeln and brooches of type C, and still existed in the phase A2. Their closest analogies came from the area on the lower Oder river and on Bornholm. Iron tripartite belt clasps are typical for the Oder group of the Jastorf Culture while bipartite clasps form local Bornholm type. In the Oksywie Culture they are known only from Podwiesk. Both types of belt clasps were found in Podwiesk together with Stufenfibeln and brooches with bronze sheet. Brooches with balls on the bow were quite common both in the Nordic culture and in the Jastorf Culture. A specimen found in Podwiesk (Fig. 1:9) has two connected balls. Such type is known from northern Jutland, Fyn and Bornholm, as well as from eastern Holstein and Mecklenburg. Most frequent in the Podwiesk cemetery are Stufenfibeln. 27 specimens were found in 22 graves. All of them are of the late La Tène construction, almost rectangular or trapezoid form with a band-shaped bow widened toward a head. Two groups of those brooches could be distinguished: brooches 3,5–5,5 cm long with short, 4–8-coil spring (Fig. 2) and brooches 4,0–6,2 cm long with longer, 8–13-coil spring (Fig. 3). The discussed finds indicate that in the early phase of late Pre-Roman Period on the southern Baltic coast appeared new forms of ornaments and costumes. Some of them could come from Gotland and Bornholm, others from the Jastorf Culture territory. Great number of those finds evidenced strong and constant connections between Pomerania and both Scandinavia and Oder-Elbe region.
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